Bully Scholarship Edition Save Game Chapter 4 Download

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Bully scholarship edition save game chapter 5 download for android

Scholarship Edition only The entire mission is timed, so it's best to have a bike handy; if not, you should be able to pick one up from your garage at the school car park. Watt has some 'chemical compounds' that need to get to his customers around the town.

Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • Stronghold Assault [ ] • Starts: Bullworth Academy Library If you're going to get the Jocks, you'll need to have backup from their arch-enemies, the Nerds. They're none too keen to help you though, so Petey suggests you'll have to take on their leader, Earnest, to get the rest of them to fall in.


Bully Scholarship Pc Game Download

Outside the library, you'll find a group of Nerds — land a couple of blows on whichever one's marked by the arrow, and you'll be told he's in the Observatory. On the south side of the Library you'll find a narrow alleyway, with Bucky blocking your way. A couple of punches and he'll tell you the access code for the gate leading to the nerds' HQ. As you follow the path, Nerds will attack you with firecrackers, bottle rockets and stink bombs. However, if you use your slingshot, it's pretty easy to take them all out from a distance which makes the ordeal easier. You can also ignore them and run the gauntlet: keep your speed up and they won't land too many hits. Assuming you're fully armed and in full health, then they have nothing that you need from them.